The market is a place of trade between supply and demand

A market is a social institution and also sometimes a place that allows for trade, that is, a meeting between supply and demand for goods or services. Functionally and minimally, this institution can be defined as a process of coordination between several suppliers/sellers and several mutually independent buyers/buyers, which leads to and includes a voluntary exchange of interchangeable goods or the form of transactions without any time or space constraints. Market transactions include commercial transactions in the strict sense of the word, as well as fiduciary transactions (including currency exchange and lending), securities exchange (stocks, derivative products, etc.), barter and clandestine transactions.

In its acceptance of the oldest, the market is an institution that houses precisely localized trading in space and time, but the size is variable, for example, in traditional markets, flea markets, stock exchanges, and Lloyd's of London. This institution is also called a "market entry point" (hence the concept of location), even if the contracting parties are not physically located together in the same place. As a result of digital transformation, trading platforms now also include certain forms of online trading, i.e. dematerialized trading platforms or e-commerce platforms such as most stock exchanges or modern financial markets, as well as many trading platforms accessible via the Internet. Given these dematerialized forms, this recognition of the market is now better characterized by the existence of a special organizational body, usually with a legal entity, rather than a geographical location, as in the past.

In the sense that it corresponds to the category of commerce, which is more distributed in time and space, the market also denotes a commercial segment corresponding to certain categories of goods or services, buyers, geographical area or institutional form. "two-wheeled vehicle market", "money market", "housewives under fifty market", "Italian market", "international markets", "black market". This recognition by the market is purely analytical in nature and is not accompanied by the allocation of a special organizing body. "Market" then refers to trade in a general way without restrictions on space, time, categories of objects, as well as without an institutional form, for example, in a market economy. Using a metaphor, the market can also denote a class of non-commercial social exchanges, such as the "market of ideas".

By metonymy, the market can also mean the individual demand that generates the transaction, or the transaction itself, as in the expression "market creation". This acceptance may be technical in the context of a bidding announcement announced to a group of sellers, for example, a public contract in the case where the buyer is a public administration.

In addition to possible organizational bodies, most modern markets are formally regulated by a variety of legal regimes and supervisory authorities more or less specialized in the commercial segment, for example, fraud suppression in France, antitrust authorities, financial market authorities. Trade may additionally be regulated by treaties, international bodies and associations, or supranational organizations.. Some businesses prosecuted by the law circumvent it in the form of the so-called black market, human trafficking or smuggling, depending on the case:

or that they are dealing with illegal objects (depending on the jurisdiction), such as drugs and sexual relations ;
or that they are dealing with objects that are legal but whose trade is prohibited, such as the influence of public administration, human organs, human beings ;
or whose trade is restricted, for example, the sale of tobacco , the sale of beverages, international trade subject to customs control, paid work

Two important conditions for the proper functioning of the market are commercial freedom and the participation of several sellers and several buyers:

Commercial freedom allows commercial exchanges not to be managed by government agencies. However, trade may be limited by economic interventionism. Under a collectivist or totalitarian political regime, the suppression of civil liberties, of which commercial freedom is a part, leads to the disappearance of legal trade and the development of the black market.
The participation of several sellers and several buyers promotes commercial competition. However, competition may be weakened or almost non-existent in an oligopolistic, monopolistic, or monopsonistic market Whether you are betting from India, Bangladesh, Egypt, or Canada, you can use the melbet promo code india “ GAME888” to enjoy a welcome offer of up to an equivalent of 20,000 INR for sports betting and a casino welcome bonus of up to 155,000 INR and 290 free spins. Get the best betting offers in India by using the code. Use our Melbet bonus code India during registration and get amazing offers that are not available anywhere else.

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